Christopher D'andre Williams is an actor/filmmaker based in New York City. He has created short films such as "Relentless Scoundrels'' ,"The Audition", and "Luther Von Shaft". All films are streaming on OpprimeTV, Amazon Prime, and Filmocracy. He continues to make films for the culture and entertainment. Follow him on Talesfromdaville_official IG.
Tell us about your experience at the Hip Hop Film Festival.
I feel nothing but love and comradery when I'm at Hip hop. I love CR I love what she stands for.
Why are stories from the culture important?
We are culture without us, there is no culture. Black lives matter.
What projects are you working on now?
My co writer, Nicole and I are rewriting a teen horror drama feature script titled "Voodoo Mon".
Why do you think the Harlem Film House and Hip Hop Film Festival are important?
They give artists in New York a chance. They are the foundation for emerging artists like myself.