Laurent Pasquier is an author, filmmaker, cameraman, editor and scriptwriter. After studying at the “Ecole Supérieure de Réalisation Audiovisuel” in Paris, Laurent Pasquier worked for many years as a press, fashion and event photographer. He evolves today as a documentary writer and director, video director on different events and music clips. He is also a speaker for video-cinema workshops for young audiences, for documentary films and the topic of bass music.
Tell us about your experience at the Hip Hop Film Festival? My experience was a little bit frustrating because I was in France during the festival, so I could not come to NY. Most of the time the meeting of the festival was very late in France because of the time difference (5 more hours so it was often at 2 am for me), but it was interesting to listen to all the people who came to speak. About the screening of my movie online, it was difficult because the price was too expensive to convince my audience to come to see it for a screening online. I would prefer if this festival was live.
Why are stories from the culture important? Stories from the culture are important because they can tell different kinds of stories than we are not used to, and they speak for different communities. For me the underground side in the culture is very important, the roots and the origins also.
What projects are you working on now? Now I'm working on a documentary movie on the causes of violence in France and how education can be the solution. I also work on different shorts documentaries about the underground side in culture, education, well-being and spirituality.
Why do you think the Harlem Film House and Hip Hop Film Festival are important?I think they are important to make your projects known, to communicate on and connect with other artists.